Trends 2014: Dramatic Variation by State

Trends 2014: Dramatic Variation by State

Washington and Wyoming see increases despite an overall decline in giving regionally

Nonprofits in Washington and Wyoming saw significant increases in giving, while other Northwest states saw sharp
declines. We were not surprised by the 4% regional decline in giving since many of our members predicted no increase in their giving from 2010 to 2012.

The steep declines in four states were driven by three main factors:

  1. Reporting methods. Multi-year grants are reported in the award year and not subsequent years. In 2010, funders awarded $241 million in multi-year grants compared to $86 million in 2012 -- a 63% decline.

  2. Capital Campaigns. Total capital dollars to the region dropped by 24% ($30 million). In Oregon, capital campaign funding was down 37% ($17 million).

  3. Large Grants. In Idaho, contributions from grants of of $100,000 or more were down 22% ($9.7 million). In Montana, a single large one-time grant of $15 million in 2010 accounted for more than half of the decline in total grantmaking.

Changes in Grants Made to Each State, 2010 to 2012