Reflective Practices

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December 2023 | The Giving Practice

As foundation staff and boards continue to do the critical work of consciousness raising*, relationship-building and culture-shifting along their racial equity** journeys we’re increasingly hearing our clients ask, “What’s next?” “How do we go deeper?” “How do we put our commitment into practice...

Feature image with blue background, white TGP logo in the right bottom corner, and a graphic with three people on different size blocks. Title reads: What is an equity filter? slowing down to reshape "business as usual"
February 2023 |

Aviva Stampfer is the grants and program director at Washington Women’s Foundation (WaWF), where she leads their grantmaking and educational work. She began working with WaWF in 2017 and, after several years with the organization, she saw a significant change in their philanthropy and realized...

A woman with long blonde hair and wearing a black blazer shaking a mans hand. The man has dark hair and a white button up on.
October 26, 2021 to October 28, 2021
(All day)

The Central America Donors Forum (CADF) is the premier networking and learning space to advance philanthropy and development efforts in Central America. Each year, the Forum brings together hundreds of leaders...

2021 Central America Donors Forum Conference
July 29, 2021
12:30pm to 2:00pm

The state of Washington is home to over 943,000 immigrants and receives the 8th most refugees of any U.S. state. The state’s immigrant communities - particularly undocumented immigrants -were especially vulnerable to the health and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet they were...

February 2020 | The Giving Practice

A vivid memory from my first program officer job: I found myself feeling like a fraud.

I had the technical knowledge to do the work. I had the right intellectual training and had developed “chops” working in the trenches of an innovative public-private housing venture. Nonetheless, I was...

Image of iceberg half submerged
January 2020 | The Giving Practice

You can do one of these exercises or all of them. Either way, each time ask yourself “What am I aware of now that I was not aware of before?” Write that down. “What might I do differently next time I’m in that situation?” Write that down.

1.   Pay attention not only to what happened but...

March 2019 | The Giving Practice

What are the roadblocks that limit reflective practice in the field of philanthropy? This article is designed to help foundations encourage leadership and staff to put their expertise into play as a learning strategy.

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