The Giving Practice

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August 2017 | The Giving Practice

This post is the result of networks and reverse engineering! I wanted to explore whether philanthropy practitioners have used ...

graphic of people holding and turning gears
June 2017 | The Giving Practice

Ever since we started this project I’ve wanted to interview Darren Walker because I admire his fusion of intellect and energy. I have wondered what tools and skills help him mobilize and manage these strengths as well as handle the inevitable struggles that come with the job. For all of us,...

gray play stop and pause buttons on a white background
March 2017 | The Giving Practice

Sindhu Knotz and Jan Jaffe from The Giving Practice had a great conversation with Nikki Foster of Northwest Area Foundation  about reflective practices she has used in a for profit organization and in philanthropy.

Jan Jaffe: What does the...

February 2017 | The Giving Practice, Philanthropy Northwest

One hundred million dollars.

That’s how much money Surdna Foundation has now allocated to impact investing, just in time for its 100th anniversary. It’s an exciting decision, and you can read all about the private foundation's decision-making process in Mapping the Journey to Impact Investinga new report researched and drafted by Jan Jaffe, senior partner of The Giving Practice, Philanthropy Northwest's national consulting team.

February 2017 | The Giving Practice

Have you ever wanted to help…

  • Shift a group’s thinking from the tactical to the strategic?
  • Add the voice or perspective of the client/recipient to deliberations?
  • Reconnect a
  • ...
Graphic of a brown book on a gray background
February 2017 | The Giving Practice

In a conversation for Philanthropy's Reflective Practices, The Giving Practice's Sindhu Knotz and Jan Jaffe caught up with June Wilson, board member and executive director emeritus of Quixote Foundation, to learn about her reflective practices and the foundation’s application of reflective practices to racial equity work. "For me, it’s a way of reaching farther when I feel like I’ve hit a limit," she explains "If I can start by finding even 1% more patience, presence, love, imagination, I can break through that barrier."

February 2017 | The Giving Practice

When Surdna Foundation made the decision to allocate $100 million to impact investing, there was not a wide breadth of funds and tools available. As part of its investment, Surdna seeks to share its experience with others thinking about impact investing through this publication, drafted by The Giving Practice's Senior Partner Jan Jaffe.

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