The Giving Practice

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September 2020 | The Giving Practice

The Giving Practice (TGP) is guiding and supporting the program team at the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation to ensure best practices around diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) across its programs in order...

May 2020 | The Giving Practice

The Giving Practice consultants have helped lead a dozen “Making the Most of Virtual Meetings” online sessions recently to help you stay effective at collaborating even if you’re not in person. See our tip sheet of seven...

Graphic of a laptop screen showing a virtual meeting with six avatars of people in boxes and a chat box on the side
May 2020 | The Giving Practice, Philanthropy Northwest

Working from home creates new stressors. More than ever we need to be mindful of our human need to be seen, to feel part of something larger, to preserve our sense of agency when much of our usual liberty and approaches are constrained. Place our seven tips from "Making the Most of Virtual...

March 2020 | The Giving Practice

Philanthropy has long struggled with power and privilege. From who benefits from grant funding to who determines funding priorities, the power to make decisions tends to rest with those furthest away from the issues that many foundations are trying to solve. This does not have to be the case....

March 2020 | The Giving Practice

We are proud of the work we do at The Giving Practice to help foundation leaders create learning environments for organizational change initiatives. When advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), leaders have learned that change efforts can be complex in ways that other areas of their...

February 2020 | The Giving Practice

A vivid memory from my first program officer job: I found myself feeling like a fraud.

I had the technical knowledge to do the work. I had the right intellectual training and had developed “chops” working in the trenches of an innovative public-private housing venture. Nonetheless, I was...

Image of iceberg half submerged
January 2020 | The Giving Practice

I think that many of us can agree that philanthropy is powerful. But for who? What communities benefit from generations of concentrated wealth? How can we shift power dynamics within philanthropy to address the root causes of inequity? These are the questions that I continue to ask myself in my...

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