The Giving Practice

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January 2020 | The Giving Practice

You can do one of these exercises or all of them. Either way, each time ask yourself “What am I aware of now that I was not aware of before?” Write that down. “What might I do differently next time I’m in that situation?” Write that down.

1.   Pay attention not only to what happened but...

November 2019 | The Giving Practice

Behind every great foundation is… a lot of money. We know those funds have to be invested to generate returns that pay for grants and operations. But can the money at the heart of the foundation business model be responsive to a foundation’s important values of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)? The answer to this question is yes. You can read all about it our new report that includes interviews with executives at eight large foundations that have embraced organization-wide DEI efforts.

November 2019 | The Giving Practice

Dear Friends,

We’re excited to have a new look that matches our approach. Over time, I’ve heard from clients who felt that our visual identity didn’t reflect the energy and uniqueness of our actual identity. We heard you and decided to improve it. We like our new logo because it says what we aspire to: helping you do transformative, meaningful, joyful work.

August 2019 | The Giving Practice

Developed in partnership with United Philanthropy Forum and Northern California Grantmakers, this guide shares seven practices and 12 tools for Philanthropy-Serving Organizations who seek effective ways to mobilize resources to sustain their organization’s work. Part of our DIY Series, the guide features perspectives from dozens of leaders of national and regional PSOs and examples from our work with these organizations.

Adaptive Business Model
August 2019 | The Giving Practice

When people gather to accomplish a common task, they also feel seen, heard and witnessed as individuals—even while tending the shared task of the whole. Appreciation Rounds are a collective call out that help make tacit group culture norms explicit, while also supporting the leadership development and personal mastery of participants. Starting meetings with an appreciative exercise often leads to an increased willingness to learn in public. We are often more able to admit mistaken assumptions and shadow behaviors when we trust that others see and hold us fully. 

March 2019 | The Giving Practice

What are the roadblocks that limit reflective practice in the field of philanthropy? This article is designed to help foundations encourage leadership and staff to put their expertise into play as a learning strategy.

March 2019 | The Giving Practice

Learn a set of strategies and approaches that invite you to show up as an adventurer in working better together. This guide provides ten doorways to begin the adventure.  

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