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April 2024 |

Hawai’i Community Foundation’s (HCF) journey with racial equity began in 2017 with the formation and launch of their CHANGE Framework, the lens through which the foundation executes its grants and supports community programs. Michelle Ka’uhane, senior vice president of community grants &...

Plum graphic with ube purple and blueberry blue blob shapes in the corners. The title reads "The Framework That Leads Hawai’i Community Foundation’s Racial Equity Work". Headshots for Michelle Ka’uhane and Mary Leong Saunders are in the center.
March 2024 |

As the chair of the nominating and governance committee, it is my pleasure to announce that we are opening the call for nominations for the Philanthropy Northwest Board of Directors. There are currently four open board seats.

As we open the board nomination process, we...

Philanthropy Northwest board members at a board retreat in Whitefish, Montana
March 2024 |

In times of uncertainty, the necessity to shift and evolve often presents our greatest opportunity. Over the past four years, our sector has set aside long-standing practices to make way for greater nimbleness, flexibility and equity in response to our grantee partners and the communities we...

Feature graphic with a dandelion background that says "Together We Transform. Philanthropy Northwest's vision towards Equity and Racial Justice." With flowers at the bottom and a tree branch with orange leaves on the right side.
March 2024 | The Giving Practice

You may have noticed a few updates on our website, including an evolved logo and other tweaks to our branding. Our refreshed look and feel reflect the exciting ways that we’ve been evolving as a practice over the years, and we’re eager to take this opportunity to re-introduce ourselves and share...

Feature blueberry graphic that says in white "Hello, We're The Giving Practice at Philanthropy Northwest!" in the middle and at the bottom of the graphic are all 12 headshots of TGP senior advisors
March 2024 | The Giving Practice

“We want to see every student be successful in whatever way success looks for them. And I believe that what we do can support that,” Spencer Lewis, director of Policy Services at the Oregon School Board Association (OSBA), shared with us.  

Spencer is on OSBA’s Equity Team alongside 10...

Feature image that says: "Laying the Groundwork to Operationalize Equity. A Cinversation with the Oregon School Board Association's Equity Team." with headshots of Spencer Lewis and Jean Chiappisi
February 2024 |

This article was originally published by South Seattle Emerald (SSE) on February 9, 2024; Philanthropy Northwest has cross-posted it here with their permission. See the original piece on ...

Photo of two different hands holding a bowl. One hand has lighter skin and one hand has darker skin.
February 2024 |

We believe in the power of peer learning. This year, we are leaning into spaces where our network can learn from one another, and cohorts are a great chance for us to do just that. Cohorts are unique structured opportunities for our partners to connect, deepen their relationships, advance and...

Three women at our Building Community Philanthropy cohort meeting talking to eachother over food and drink.