BIPOC Folks in Philanthropy

BIPOC Folks in Philanthropy

Supporting Black, Indigenous and People of Color professionals in the philanthropic sector is an essential part of furthering our racial equity efforts.

Philanthropy Northwest has an organizational commitment to racial equity. We believe living into this commitment requires supporting Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) professionals who work in the philanthropic sector.

We offer intentional, BIPOC-specific, and tailored programming to build a stronger and more equitable philanthropic sector in the Pacific Northwest. Our vision of philanthropy is one where BIPOC folks are nourished and sustained in their leadership and are held in an accountable community of solidarity and care that challenges isolationism and burnout. 

We have a vision of a philanthropic sector...

...where BIPOC folks are not tools of white supremacy. 
...where BIPOC leaders can step into their leadership rooted in their values.
….where BIPOC folks are in solidarity with each other, rather than separated by the current structures and barriers within the sector.
...where BIPOC folks know joy as their baseline, where isolation in the field is not the norm.
...where BIPOC folks build relationships across organizations to further their work.


In pursuit of this vision, we offer programming for BIPOC professionals in philanthropy:


Black Folks and BIPOC Folks in Philanthropy Virtual Convenings and In-Person Regional Happy Hours

We host regular in-person and virtual gatherings for Black and BIPOC professionals in philanthropy looking to share space, build community and deepen relationships with each other.

Check out our events calendar to see what convenings are scheduled next.

Interested in attending our BIPOC Folks or Black Folks in Philanthropy events?

Reach out to Mares Asfaha to learn more.