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November 9, 2023
12:00pm to 1:30pm

Join us for our final session in this series as we continue to build your knowledge of reparative action and how to embed it in your work.  ...

The Shift - Navigating Realities on the Path Toward Reparative Action
November 2023 |

Embrace the cozy vibes of autumn with our fall reading list, brimming with captivating philanthropic reads suggested by our staff at Philanthropy Northwest. Get ready to grab a warm cup of tea, cuddle up in your reading...

African American young woman reading a book at home at her cozy corner
October 26, 2023
12:00pm to 1:30pm

In this special workshop for family foundations, we'll look at the genesis of white wealth in parallel with the historical harms that resulted from the enslavement of African Americans, creating the current 10-to-1 racial wealth gap, and how this framework fits into the conversation around...

The Shift - Unpacking Stories of Family Wealth and Reckoning with Racial Repair
October 2023 |

Empowering and equipping youth with the necessary tools to pursue their unique career goals is the primary focus of Alaska Airlines’ Foundation (AAF). After nearly three decades of operation, the organization has continued to expand its work and impact specifically in Alaska, Hawai'i, California...

Alaska Airlines Foundation - Twenty-Five Years and Counting with Tim Thompson's headshot
October 12, 2023
12:00pm to 1:30pm

We invite all community philanthropy organizations (community foundations, united ways and identity funds) to join us for our second session in this series to dig into what...

Graphic with plum purple, berry blue, river blue, ocean blue and dandelion yellow slanted rectangles shifted to one side. The words read "The Shift - Community Philanthropy and Repair" with Philanthropy Northwest's logo in the corner.
October 5, 2023
10:00am to 11:30am

Join Philanthropy Northwest for a conversation with Hanif Fazal, author of his debut upcoming book, "An Other World." Hanif, the co-founder of the Center for Equity & Inclusion, wrote "An Other World" to nurture the...

Plum purple event banner that says "BIPOC Folks in Philanthropy Meeting" and has a colorful half circle design on the side with an image of Hanif Fazal
October 2023 |

Taking a pause can be a powerful thing. The radical act of not doing allows space for reflection, rest, connection, imagination and planning. We managed to do all of this and more by deciding to pause our annual conference in 2023. This pause year allowed us to refocus on our “why” for...

Missoula from Mount Sentinel