About this event
The next year or more will look different from any other we have experienced. We will be living with uncertainty and public health considerations and advisories are expected to change regularly. How are nonprofits adapting to this new environment? How can we balance concern for safety with resuming critical community services? What sort of "new normal" can we expect?
We are building the road as we walk it. In this series, Washington Nonprofits is asking leaders from organizations that are ahead of the curve to share their journey and help others understand what we all need to be thinking about as many of us resume our work.
Part 1: Getting Up and Running
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Part 2: Safe Start Washington Briefing for Nonprofits
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Part 3: Caring for Our People
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Part 4: Imagining the Workplace of the Future
Thursday, July 16, 2020
- Members of Washington Nonprofits: $0
- General Public: $10 per session / $25 for the series