Breakout Session: Public Dollars for Public Good - Contesting for State Power in 2024 and Beyond

Breakout Session: Public Dollars for Public Good - Contesting for State Power in 2024 and Beyond

The Public Dollars for Public Good (PDPG) initiative at Marguerite Casey Foundation strives to support organizers, advocates and policymakers working to leverage public dollars for communities traditionally excluded from civic participation and full inclusion in our democracy-under-construction. This session will showcase several examples of this type of work in action. From campaigns centered on organizing for municipal social housing, to community-operated grocery stores and community-controlled utilities, we will draw inspiration from practitioners and scholars who understand the power and promise - and potential hurdles - of blending organizing with political education and advocacy.

Join this session if you are interested in Moving Resources and Public Policy.

Date & Time: 
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 -
10:15am to 11:30am MDT