Issue Based

Summer Equity + Power Sharing Series - Session #1

Summer Equity + Power Sharing Series - Session #1

Event details

Monday, June 10, 2019
12:00pm to 1:15pm PDT

About this event

We are excited to co-sponsor this learning series brought to you by the Funders' Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP). 

These sessions will look at different integrations of racial equity, such as changes in practices after the 2016 elections, stand alone vs. integrated approaches to this work, and how we can change grantmaking strategies for the better.  

On June 10, we will kick off with a conversation that starts with philanthropy tackling the realities of racism strategically, and connects these threads to our present day grantmaking practices with Lori Villarosa of Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE).  As individuals pushing philanthropy to do better, Jennifer Epps-Addison with The Center for Popular DemocracyDana Kawaoka-Chen with Justice FundersDimple Abichandani with General Service Foundation, and Farhad Ebrahimi with Chorus Foundation will scrutinize power sharing and grantmaking strategies that can change who and what we’re supporting — and how.

This webinar is the first of three in a series:

June 10: FCCP Equity + Power Sharing Series - Session #1 (above)

July 8: FCCP Equity + Power Sharing Series - Session #2 will interrogate how evaluation frameworks can perpetuate or improve power dynamics between grantees and grantmakers.

August 5: FCCP Equity + Power Sharing Series - Session #3 will focus on a case study, such as the intended and unintended consequences that funders can have on movement building.

We hope that you will join us for all three important conversations!

This series is offered free of charge thanks to FCCP members’ financial support. It is open to funders and philanthropic advisors only.

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