2014: A Network in Action

2014: A Network in Action


2014 was a big year in Northwest philanthropy. Big issues like Ebola, natural disasters, education and income inequality were in the headlines around our region and beyond, and Northwest funders were at the forefront of tackling them.

Behind the headlines, though, were deeper undercurrents of innovation, community and collaboration. In addition to thoughtful ongoing grantmaking across the region, we sense a broader recognition of the potential of collective action to deliver more results than working alone. In 2014 we saw many collaborations and partnerships blossom and grow.

As we reflected back on the year gone by, we put together this brief interactive presentation that shares some of the year's highlights in Northwest philanthropy. Fittingly, this presentation is about you, the work you're doing and the impact you're having in the world.

We look forward to continuing that journey with you in 2015.