Starbucks Joins Growing Movement to Fund Refugee Relief Efforts

Starbucks Joins Growing Movement to Fund Refugee Relief Efforts


The Starbucks Foundation has announced three new grants totaling $110,000 to nonprofit organizations supporting the refugee crisis in Europe:

  • $75,000 to Save the Children, focused on providing urgent relief and long-term aid to refugee children and families across central and western Europe.
  • $20,000 to Aktion Deutschland Hilft in Germany, an alliance of aid organizations leading refugee support in Germany.
  • $15,000 to Caritas, aiding asylum seekers in Austria and other European countries.

“We believe that donating funds directly to these organizations is the best way for us to support expert relief providers, enabling them to allocate resources where they are most needed.  And, with great urgency,” said Kris Engskov, head of the company's Europe, Middle East and Africa operations.

Global Washington, a network of organizations in Washington state with global development programs, recently published a list of six member organizations providing relief efforts in Syria and neighboring countries: Global Impact, Medical Teams International (MTI), Mercy Corps, Oxfam America, US Fund for UNICEF and World Vision.

U.S. funders interested in learning more about how to respond to the global refugee crisis are invited to attend a webinar this afternoon, presented by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, featuring speakers from Human Rights Watch, the International Refugee Assistance Project (formerly the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project) and Open Society Foundations.