Philanthropy Northwest is a network of philanthropists, philanthropies and philanthropy-serving organizations working in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Our network is dedicated to ensuring our communities have vibrant, healthy futures that honor our past, our people, and our cultures.
To accomplish this vision, Philanthropy Northwest promotes dialogue and convenes conversations that facilitate connections and cross-sector relationships among peoples, groups, and institutions working to build and sustain a more vibrant, equitable and inclusive tomorrow.
Our Strategy Framework
The Philanthropy Northwest board and staff worked from the outside in to develop a strategy framework that guides how we work, and why. We started by envisioning what we collectively want to achieve in our communities. Then we focused on the values and attributes of the philanthropic sector to best support our shared vision. Finally, we considered our internal values and aspirations.
Our resulting framework represents Philanthropy Northwest’s ongoing journey toward convening conversations that promote relationships and cross-sector connections that lead to action; advancing place-based philanthropy; and forging partnerships for vibrant, equitable and inclusive communities. Serving our members is a key component of our organization, but we have also evolved to strengthening the field through consulting, convening and incubating new ideas and projects.
Connect With Us
As a learning organization, we are constantly listening and exploring ways to improve how we work. We appreciate hearing from you and invite your ideas and feedback. Let us know what you think.
Uniting Efforts For Greater Impact
Our members enjoy a host of benefits. In addition to being part of a powerful network of peers, members build knowledge and skills through our programs and services. Our learning teams curate a range of events and engagement opportunities for members to connect around interests and geographies for collective action. Members also have priority access to one-on-one support from Philanthropy Northwest staff; free and discounted consulting services through The Giving Practice, our national consulting team; the latest curated news and information from our sector; and, an online knowledge base of research and tools to increase your grantmaking effectiveness, among other pursuits.
Visit our Member benefits page for more information on how to join!