Skill Building

Leading Great Virtual Meetings

Leading Great Virtual Meetings

Image of a person looking at a laptop with 5 people on video conference

Event details

Thursday, May 14, 2020
10:00am to 12:00pm PDT
Non-Member Rate: 
Member Rate: 

About this event

Many people have had to rapidly switch to virtual meetings following the COVID-19 pandemic and remote work requirements. More and more people have begun to work remotely in an effort to create a better work/life balance or to collaborate with others in many locations, making the need to execute efficient, virtual meetings very important. However, running virtual meetings oftentimes comes with challenges. It can be difficult to integrate visuals, engage everyone in the meeting, perceive subtle social cues and get real work done.

Join this training to learn some tangible tactics and tips for making your online meetings more graceful and productive, as well as how to use helpful tools and online platforms to more efficiently understand scenarios, more equitably include all voices and quickly make information visual.

In this interactive training you'll learn how to:

  • Set up your meeting or training for success before it begins
  • Utilize key features and maneuvers of the Zoom platform like breakout rooms and chat
  • Integrate other helpful synchronous work platforms like Google Drive
  • Understand meeting roles, functions and tactics like co-facilitators, timekeepers and notetakers
  • Differentiate which online platforms work best for different kinds of tasks and meetings
  • Network with other people like yourself and brainstorm ideas on how to best utilize platform features
  • Explore ways to take the temperature of the room online and foster crucial engagement

Trainer, Maggie Chumbley

Maggie is a high energy facilitation geek who loves to talk about "pedagogical choices." She explores how design functionsin groups and meetings, and the role of the "facili-trainer" in leading and learning spaces. She is a facilitator, instructional designer and consultant on leadership, organization learning and inquiry-based instruction. She uses a lot of Liberating Structuresneuroscience research and growth mindset in her approach to leading, training and facilitation. She especially loves asking, "How is participation distributed here?" and "What can we STOP doing to make room for innovation?"


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Council of New Jersey GrantmakersMeyer Memorial TrustMarguerite Casey FoundationCF Leads