Breakout Session: A Spectrum of Power Sharing in Community-Driven Philanthropy

Breakout Session: A Spectrum of Power Sharing in Community-Driven Philanthropy

Have you ever wondered what it truly means to collaborate deeply with nonprofits and communities? In philanthropy, there are many terms for this concept, including stakeholder engagement, participatory philanthropy or grantee inclusion. Historically, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) has talked about this as strengthening relationships, and now we embrace the more expansive term of community-driven philanthropy. In this session, GEO will offer a spectrum tool to anchor group work and ideation in order to bring participants’ lived experiences and ideas into the discussion. This tool will allow participants to locate their commitments to community across a spectrum of power sharing. We'll explore different levels of power-sharing, from simply gathering input to full community ownership and transformative practices. Discover how this session can transform your grantmaking by fostering deeper connections with the communities you serve.

Join this session if you are interested in Equity-Centered Philanthropic Practices.

Date & Time: 
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 -
10:15am to 11:30am MDT