
Mindful Fiduciaries at the Wheel: Ten Ideas for Investment Committees Exploring Racial, Gender and Social Equity

Mindful Fiduciaries at the Wheel: Ten Ideas for Investment Committees Exploring Racial, Gender and Social Equity

Cover image for Mindful Fiduciaries guide on 10 ideas from foundation investment committees

About this resource

Publish date: 
February, 2021
Philanthropy Northwest
The Giving Practice

This report is for philanthropic foundation investment committees exploring racial, gender and social equity issues. We distilled some key process and decision points that committees encounter, based on interviews with trustees, CEOs and finance staff, along with foundation financial advisors and advocacy groups. A diverse set of experts reviewed and expanded on the ideas.

Dr. Duane Carter, chair of the Northwest Area Foundation’s investment committee, reviewed the report and said:

 “Growing up in Duluth, Minnesota, was a good preparation for my career as an executive leader in the financial services industry. I was often the only person of color in meetings, events and social gatherings. I know from experience that real learning and growth comes from being pushed outside your comfort zone, and being intentional with your actions.

This report inspires all of us on investment committees to be uncomfortable, and to move forward intentionally on issues of racial, social and gender equity. The experiences, perspectives and insights in this report are valuable for building more equitable and inclusive communities and investment portfolios.”

We are grateful to Northwest Area Foundation for supporting the development of this resource.

Related Organizations: 
Northwest Area Foundation