Remy supports Philanthropy Northwest's advocacy work and helps guide the Democracy Northwest effort to utilize philanthropy's voice in rebuilding our democracy. He also works with members to build their knowledge of advocacy. Remy brings a broad range of strategic insight from his experience working with organizations and coalitions developing and implementing legislative advocacy, communication and ballot campaigns, in addition to his nonprofit leadership experience. In his role as Senior Fellow with the Topos Partnership, Remy uses his revenue and budget expertise to inform communications challenges facing organizations at national, state and local levels. Remy is also a senior consultant with Luma Consulting.
Remy was the founding executive director of the Washington State Budget & Policy Center, a think-tank that works to bring about shared prosperity for all Washingtonians, an organization that he led and grew into a national model. Remy’s previous experience includes a variety of lobbying, policy analysis and research leadership positions with large nonprofits at the local, state and national levels. Remy kicked off his career as a VISTA in northern Florida and then as a Mickey Leland Hunger Fellow through the Congressional Hunger Center.
Born in Wyoming, Remy grew up in Seattle. His academic background includes undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Washington. In his spare time, Remy volunteers board leadership and strategic advice to social service, civic and human rights organizations and is an American Marshall Memorial Fellow.