Civic Engagement & Public Policy

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Civic Engagement & Public Policy

June 2018 |

On a recent trip to Anchorage, after engaging with local philanthropic leaders and learning about Alaska’s unique attributes and challenges, it dawned on me the many lessons funders in the lower 48 can glean from Alaska’s philanthropic leaders. In a geographically large state with a small population, funders wear multiple hats and coordinate easily across organizations to address formidable challenges – including homelessness, lack of affordable housing and healthcare services, access to high-quality P-16 education, workforce development and much, much more.

From this recent visit and in my role with Philanthropy Northwest over the past year, I’d like to share my observations about the unique positioning of philanthropy in Alaska.

Philanthropy Northwest graphic elements, plum purple colored background with arcs of river blue, emerald green and clay light brown
June 25, 2018
12:00pm to 1:00pm

A repeal of the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits charitable organizations, including religious institutions, from intervening in political campaigns, could have a damaging impact on the integrity of the sector and further infuse money into our political process. Join us to learn more about where the repeal stands now and what philanthropy can do to protect the Johnson Amendment.

June 5, 2018
12:00pm to 1:00pm

Census 2020 is less than two years away; the time to act is now! Planning has started for a “Get Out The Count” campaign to reach hard-to-count populations in the communities you care about. What key information do you need to guide your investments in support of a fair and accurate count in 2020?

May 2018 |

In mid-March, fourteen Philanthropy Northwest members and staff convened in Washington, DC, as a delegation for Foundations on the Hill (FOTH). Organized by United Philanthropy Forum, in partnership with the Alliance for Charitable Reform and Council on Foundations, the event brought together nearly 250 philanthropic leaders from across the country to raise a collective voice to Congress about the key policy issues impacting philanthropy and the communities in which we serve.

April 19, 2018 to April 20, 2018
9:00am to 5:00pm
Seattle, WA

April's Philanthropy Institute is SOLD OUT. Please consider the August or November Institute. This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector and is facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking. 

April 9, 2018
11:00am to 12:00pm

We are now less than two years away from “Census Day,” April 1st, 2020! Join a conversation about why the census matters and the role that philanthropy can play in ensuring a fair and accurate count. Data from the census drive key decisions made by government, business, nonprofits and philanthropy. Although philanthropy cannot and should not supplant the government’s responsibility to ensure a fair and accurate census, funder engagement in support of the census is more important than ever.

November 1, 2017 to November 2, 2017
9:00am to 5:00pm
Anchorage, AK

This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector, and facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and Nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking. Please register early: the last four workshops have sold out.