Civic Engagement & Public Policy

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Civic Engagement & Public Policy

November 2018 |

As you may know, since late 2017, Philanthropy Northwest has been actively engaged in local, regional and national efforts to ensure a fair and accurate Census 2020. We are pleased to announce that in early 2019 we will officially launch a statewide pooled fund, the Washington State Census Funding Partnership (Partnership), seeded with a generous grant by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Partnership will align collective grantmaking strategies to ensure communities across the state are fully counted in 2020.

November 19, 2018
1:00pm to 2:00pm

The 2020 Census is on track to be one of the most challenging censuses the United States has undertaken. This webinar will explore the critical role that Complete Count Committees can play in working with local, trusted voices to provide information, guidance and support to ensure a complete and accurate count of your community, despite the threats that besiege the 2020 Census. Join Philanthropy Northwest in learning more about how your organizations can engage with Complete Count Committees. 

November 2018 |

Being counted matters a lot! Just a few weeks ago, MCF participated in the first Montana 2020 Complete Census Count Committee meeting where people from across Montana gathered to discuss how best to get the word out about the importance of getting an accurate count. April 1, 2020 may seem like it's a long way off, yet it will be here before we know it.

November 6, 2018 to November 7, 2018
9:00am to 5:00pm
Seattle, WA

This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector, and facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking.

The November program is full but please join our waitlist! Email Elyse Gordon or Mares Asfaha (; to reserve your spot. We hope to be able to open up more spaces in the coming weeks. 

October 2018 | Philanthropy Northwest

A fair and impartial judiciary provides a check on the other branches of government and is necessary to ensure equality under the law. However, the process of judicial selection has a tremendous impact on judges’ ability to function independent of political influence. How should judges be...

Thumbnail for Wyoming Bright Spot: Merit Selection for Judges
October 2018 | Philanthropy Northwest

The way candidates raise campaign funds has impacted who wins elections and how they govern. Given the current jurisprudence on campaign finance, what is the best way to structure a publicly financed campaign system to reduce the influence of narrow, moneyed interests and promote more civic...

Thumbnail for Washington Bright Spot: Democracy Vouchers in Seattle
October 2018 | Philanthropy Northwest

Ballot initiatives provide voters with some information on proposed initiatives, but not all of them provide a full explanation, offer pro/con arguments or include a fiscal note. What is the role of the state in providing clear, unbiased information such that voters can make an informed decision...

Thumbnail for Oregon Bright Spot: Citizen Engagement and Voter Education