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July 2024 | The Giving Practice

This past May, my fellow TGP Senior Advisor Lalitha Vaidyanathan and I were among the fortunate attendees of the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations’ (GEO) annual conference as both session facilitators and participants.

As we stepped into the main plenary room on the first day, I...

Feature image on blue background with Abby Sarmac on the left side and title reading: Building on the momentum of a sector in transformation. Themes form GEO and the United Philanthropy Forum's annual conferences.
July 2024 |

This past March the Innovia Foundation partnered with the nonprofit Community Heart & Soul (CH&S) to bring the latter’s resident-engagement model to small towns in Idaho and eastern Washington. The program asks locals what they love about their community and what future communal goals...

Ube graphic with dandelion and carrot blob shapes in the corners. The title reads "Trust in Community: Innovia Foundation's Heart & Soul Program". Headshot for Molly Sanchez and Jennifer Stapleton
July 9, 2024 to July 10, 2024
8:30am to 2:00pm
Seattle, WA

The Building Community Philanthropy initiative helps strengthen the capacity of community foundations, United Ways and identity-based foundations to drive meaningful progress in their communities.

Two women at a Philanthropy Northwest conference hugging
July 2024 |

Launched in 2019, the Go Kids program aimed to overcome Oregon’s opportunity gap that is created by factors like where a person lives, their race and family background. Through its four years of operation, the initiative would grant over $2 million dollars in funding for Oregon’s underserved...

Ocean blue graphic with emerald green and blueberry blue blob shapes in the corners. The title reads "How Oregon Community Foundation Used Trust-Based Philanthropy in their Efforts to Address the Opportunity Gap for Oregon Kids". Headshot for Ruby Buchhol
June 27, 2024
4:30pm to 6:30pm

In the past few years, donor-advised funds have become a huge part of the conversation about charitable giving. But there is deep debate around donor-advised funds (DAFs). How can we increase the potential for DAFs to operate transparently, accountably and effectively as tools for charitable...

Unlocking Abundance: A Conversation about DAF Reform feature graphics with swirls in the background and the Magic Cabinet and Proximate logo
June 2024 | The Giving Practice

For nearly 25 years, TGP senior advisors have been designing and facilitating strategy projects for a wide range of clients from small family and community foundations to large private foundations, philanthropy serving organizations (PSOs) and funder collaboratives. 

Across our team, we...

Blog feature image in a blueberry color with a white circle on the left. In the circle is a graph with orange dots and inbetween an arrow pointing down. The title says "Ideas for Effective Strategy Development: Exploring the art of strategy design"
June 2024 | The Giving Practice

In my role as a senior advisor at The Giving Practice, I have the privilege of closely collaborating with Black women who are both navigating and reshaping the challenging environments of philanthropy during this era of racial reckoning. 

Black women have long been at the forefront of...

Feature Image on blue background with Robin Martin on left side, yellow spark illustration in top left corner, white The Giving Practice logo in the bottom right corner,  and title centered.