Civic Engagement & Public Policy

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Civic Engagement & Public Policy

December 2015 | Philanthropy Northwest

Jeff Clarke, CEO | The Pacific Northwest has a unique and globally influential culture marked by innovation, entrepreneurship, civic engagement, generosity and stewardship. Our region’s commitment to innovation drives our growing leadership in impact investing — leveraging private capital for social good. Impact investors seek opportunities to earn a financial return while also doing something good for society. Their aspirations are changing the way we think about solutions to big social problems like homelessness, poverty and unemployment.

December 2015 |

Ann Saxton, Vice President | The U.S. Senate has followed the House of Representatives and made permanent three charitable giving tax incentives. We are thrilled to share that moments ago, President Obama signed this bill into law. This is a big win for communities. We hope this success is tangible proof that when philanthropy uses its influence capital — in this case, raising its voice — it can effect even broader benefit to our communities. This is a reminder that together we can do great things.

December 2015 |

Ann Saxton, Vice President | When should donors provide their Social Security number to a nonprofit? Common wisdom and universal advice says "never." But a dangerous new proposal from the IRS would change the answer to "it depends," confusing the public, stifling donations for charitable works and opening the floodgates to fraudsters. The IRS is seeking your comments on this proposal before December 16. The proposed regulations would give nonprofits the option of filing a separate new information return with the IRS and individual donors by February 28 every year to substantiate contributions of more than $250 in value. A similar mandatory proposal was considered and rejected in the past based on numerous legal, policy and confidentiality problems it raised. 

December 8, 2015
11:00am to 12:00pm
Please join our network partners at the Forum and NCN for a brief webinar to explore the latest trends in state policy and hear about what’s on the horizon for action on the state and federal levels in the coming New Year. During this session you will hear about how your organization can engage more in policy work to strengthen the sector and the communities you serve.
December 2015 |
Ann Saxton, Vice President | The year-end federal tax bill currently under negotiation is expected to be completed by December 15. In addition to the reauthorizing the currently expired tax extenders which include three important philanthropic provisions — the IRA charitable rollover, enhanced deduction for contributions of food inventory, and enhanced deduction for contributions of conservation easements – the sector is working to include two additional provisions aimed at promoting charitable giving:
November 16, 2015
1:00pm to 2:00pm
No matter what mission your organization and your members are committed to, we’re confident that more people standing up for your mission can help make the difference. Join this joint webinar hosted by the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers and the National Council of Nonprofits to learn about the Stand for Your Mission campaign and why board members can be the most influential advocates for the mission of your organization.
October 29, 2015
9:00am to 10:30am
Join this webinar hosted by Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) to learn about the latest trends in both pro- and anti-immigrant state and local policies.