Climate, Conservation & Environment

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Climate, Conservation & Environment

October 15, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

As many of us across the globe are becoming increasingly aware of the ever-present effects of climate change, here in the Northwest we are contending with this reality, in the form of wildfires (among other things). This is not new, but they are becoming more and more prevalent across our...

Event banner for Philanthropy Northwest Network Call with icon of three people talking
October 14, 2021
11:00am to 12:00pm

Every week, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) reports on numerous floods, fires and other climate-related disasters around the world. Not only are disasters increasing, but it is also clear that climate change is a major contributing...

August 12, 2021
11:00am to 12:30pm

It is often said, “Disasters begin and end locally.” After the major news media, national nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and large funders go home, it is the local community that will be coordinating the years of recovery still to come.

One tool used for this work is the often...

Center for Disaster Philanthropy_People building infrastructure
May 2019 |

In an area with great natural beauty and land resources like the Pacific Northwest, it’s important to preserve the landscapes that make it special. That’s the idea behind the Pacific Northwest Resilient Landscapes Initiative, a new partnership between the Idaho Community Foundation, Oregon Community Foundation, Seattle Foundation and the Land Trust Alliance. The initiative is launched with the support of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and will permanently protect thousands of acres of natural lands in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Land Trust Alliance picture of river and hills
January 2019 |

As most of our lives return to normal after the November 30th earthquake, it is important to recognize the difficulties that many families and organizations continue to face. The Alaska Disaster Recovery Fund, at The Alaska Community Foundation, was set up to support the ongoing recovery efforts, and enable donors to support both short-term emergency response and long-term recovery. The Fund is managed in collaboration with Wells Fargo Foundation, Rasmuson Foundation, United Way of Anchorage, American Red Cross of Alaska, Salvation Army – Alaska Division, Mat-Su Health Foundation, United Way of Mat-Su, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, The Foraker Group and Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska. The Alaska Disaster Recovery Fund has granted out $110,000 to 18 nonprofit organizations critical in supporting those in need with disaster recovery.

July 2018 |

Risk is a huge and relevant topic for investors. Rosalie asks, "do we take it too far?" This post is part of a multi-part blog series about innovative foundations and financial advisors working to make impact investments in the (mostly) Pacific Northwest region.

October 2017 | Philanthropy Northwest

In Philanthropy Northwest's “Pacific Northwest Changemakers,” generously supported by the Satterberg Foundation, Mitchell Thomashow takes us on a tour of place-based, community-driven philanthropy, from Central Washington to Montana, from Coastal Alaska to Portland.

Older woman and younger woman face to face with each other, with their foreheads touching