Grantmaking Practices

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Grantmaking Practices

Philanthropy Northwest
April 27, 2020
11:00am to 12:00pm

Join the local Montana philanthropic community for the latest updates on COVID-19 related challenges and opportunities. These weekly meetings are an opportunity to hear updates on community needs and share out on current philanthropic responses. Funders not located in Montana but provide funding...

March 2020 | The Giving Practice

Philanthropy has long struggled with power and privilege. From who benefits from grant funding to who determines funding priorities, the power to make decisions tends to rest with those furthest away from the issues that many foundations are trying to solve. This does not have to be the case....

March 2020 | Philanthropy Northwest

Last updated on May 1, 2020.

Philanthropy Northwest and our members are carefully monitoring the evolving COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. We recently created a new ...

This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Note the spikes that adorn the outer surface of the virus, which impart the look of a corona surrounding the
December 2019 | Philanthropy Northwest

We are pleased to release the latest Trends in Northwest Giving report. Trends in Northwest Giving began as a project of Philanthropy Northwest in 2006 and has been published every two years as an aggregation and analysis of grantmaking trends that shape our region — Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. This report focuses on the most recent data available, through fiscal year 2016. While rapid changes are afoot in our world and region, I’m inspired by the innovation, advocacy of and connections to landscape and community that continue to define our special part of the country. Much of our sector’s growth, as well as the deep roots that strengthen our communities, is reflected throughout this Trends in Northwest Giving report.

Image of Trends in NW Giving report cover with a spiral of rocks in water
Philanthropy Northwest
September 10, 2019 to September 11, 2019
9:00am to 5:00pm
Boise, ID

Only 3 spots left! This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector, and facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking.

July 2019 | Philanthropy Northwest

Many foundations are taking steps to include rural constituencies in their work. We studied this work around the country in The Rural Philanthropy Analysis and developed five strategies uniquely important to grantmakers funding rural projects.

June 2019 |

It’s an exciting day at the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust. As part of our Founder’s Day celebration marking our 44th anniversary, we announced that, since opening our doors in 1975, we have awarded more than $1 billion in grants to nonprofits that serve the Pacific Northwest.

Preparing for this announcement has allowed our team to reflect on the thousands of nonprofits we have had the opportunity to partner with over the years and the myriad projects that we have helped bring to fruition in some small way.