Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

January 2019 |

Philanthropy Northwest has an impressive and engaged board of directors, all of whom show up in different ways for the network and our organization while representing the diverse field of philanthropy in our six-state region. In October 2018 at our annual conference, we proudly welcomed three new board members to join our governing body: Mike Halligan of Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation (Montana), Jill Nishi of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Washington), and Brenda Solorzano of Headwaters Foundation (Montana). We are fortunate to have these philanthropic leaders on our board who represent organizations committed to supporting vibrant, healthy communities in our region.I look forward to working with them in the coming years.

December 2018 |

In late October, Philanthropy Northwest hosted its National Rural Funders Gathering at Mountain Sky Guest Ranch in Emigrant, Montana. About 64 percent hailed from Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Washington, Wyoming and Oregon, including eight Philanthropy Northwest members. Other participants traveled from across the country, even as far away as Arkansas, Minnesota and Vermont. The attendees included traditional funders, representatives from government, tribal nations, as well as CDFIs and other philanthropic practitioners. 

November 2018 |

Being counted matters a lot! Just a few weeks ago, MCF participated in the first Montana 2020 Complete Census Count Committee meeting where people from across Montana gathered to discuss how best to get the word out about the importance of getting an accurate count. April 1, 2020 may seem like it's a long way off, yet it will be here before we know it.

November 2018 | The Giving Practice

Are you curious about how to create a routine that allows you or your team to reflect on your philanthropic practice? Dara Weinerman Steinberg, Executive Director of Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation, shares her experience wrangling time to reflect and how it has reinvigorated her belief in the value of informal learning from strategy.

Still life_desk_writing_office_supplies
November 6, 2018 to November 7, 2018
9:00am to 5:00pm
Seattle, WA

This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector, and facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking.

The November program is full but please join our waitlist! Email Elyse Gordon or Mares Asfaha (egordon@philanthropynw.org; masfaha@philanthropynw.org) to reserve your spot. We hope to be able to open up more spaces in the coming weeks. 

November 2018 | The Giving Practice

This report includes interviews with executives at eight large foundations that have embraced organization-wide DEI efforts. We asked them how DEI can shape the structure of the investing department, the work of investment committees and the choice of investments. 

October 2018 | Philanthropy Northwest

As a new member, this was my first time attending the annual conference. I had many takeaways and met many fantastic leaders who are undertaking work that is inspiring and transformational in their communities. It took me a few days to “digest” everything I experienced at PNW18 – keynote speakers, information from the sessions I attended and conversations I had during the conference with fellow colleagues.