Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

June 2018 | The Giving Practice

In this guide, you will find stories about using four methods of reflective practice that can help you build what you bring to advancing change inside your foundation, with your grantees and other partners.

Thumbnail of cover, entitled Philanthropy's Reflective Practices: Build What You Bring to Work
May 2018 |

Cross-posted from Medium

A sense of responsibility to the community propels our Building Community Philanthropy (BCP) partnership with Philanthropy Northwest, launched in 2012, empowering a network of local philanthropy organizations across Washington State — all working together to address local, pressing needs. These city and regional community foundations, United Ways, and identity-based foundations are in the best position to create deep relationships within their communities — because they’ve been doing it for years.

May 2018 | The Giving Practice

Everything is in process. But our ways of thinking about organizational development often don’t account for that. This tool helps you think about where you have been and where you are headed by examining the ongoing change of your organization, team, project, strategy or field.

April 19, 2018 to April 20, 2018
9:00am to 5:00pm
Seattle, WA

April's Philanthropy Institute is SOLD OUT. Please consider the August or November Institute. This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector and is facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking. 

March 29, 2018
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Seattle, WA

Please join Philanthropy Northwest, Nonprofit Assistance Center and Rainier Valley Corps as we reconvene and discuss how the situation has changed for those communities on the frontline. How can foundations and community-led organizations work better together in response to new realities?

November 1, 2017 to November 2, 2017
9:00am to 5:00pm
Anchorage, AK

This comprehensive, two-day educational program was developed by experts in the philanthropic sector, and facilitated by seasoned practitioners. Philanthropy Institute: Practical Skills & Strategies for Emerging Practitioners (formerly known as Best Practices): is the field’s standardized orientation for individual members who have recently joined the philanthropic sector. The curriculum is designed to provide a historical overview of the sector, a sense of the philanthropic landscape in the Pacific Northwest and Nationally, and an overview of foundation governance and grantmaking. Please register early: the last four workshops have sold out. 

October 2017 | Philanthropy Northwest

In Philanthropy Northwest's “Pacific Northwest Changemakers,” generously supported by the Satterberg Foundation, Mitchell Thomashow takes us on a tour of place-based, community-driven philanthropy, from Central Washington to Montana, from Coastal Alaska to Portland.

Older woman and younger woman face to face with each other, with their foreheads touching