Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

September 2014 |
by Audrey Haberman, managing director of The Giving Practice | Audrey reports on her recent visit to the Aspen Institute's convening on place-based philanthropy.
August 2014 | Philanthropy Northwest
Jeff Clarke continues his conversations with leaders in the region and across the field with Anne Kubisch, president of The Ford Family Foundation in Roseburg, Ore.
August 2014 |
by Lyn Hunter, senior program manager | If you were a stranger to my little neighborhood in Hillman City, you would probably not be able to match up the individuals who made up a household. We are a beautiful block of “mixed up everything” as one of my neighbors put it. It’s one of the many things that I love about it. And on Tuesday night, we got together for the official annual Night Out celebration - but in our neck of the woods we just called it a good old fashioned neighborhood potluck. Our sixth, we think.
Night Out Seattle logo
July 2014 |
The Community Democracy Workshop and the Kettering Foundation convened seventeen people committed to community democracy and community engagement from philanthropic, community-based and supporting organizations along with Kettering staff members to learn from each other and explore three questions. Here's a quick summary of what we found.
July 2014 |
by Lyn Hunter, Philanthropy Northwest. Over 100 people gathered on June 26th at Daybreak Star to discuss the findings of a broad-based community engagement process of the local urban Indian community in King County.
June 2014 | Philanthropy Northwest
by Daniel Kemmis, Philanthropy Northwest board member and Kettering Foundation fellow. Almost all philanthropists are contributing to democracy almost all the time, even though most of them don’t think of their daily work in those terms. This unintentional philanthropic contribution to democracy is truly immeasurable. How does this abundance of philanthropic contributions to democracy counterbalance the weakness in so many of our governing institutions? We had a lively session on this topic in May at the joint Philanthropy Northwest – GRANTMAKERS of Oregon and Southwest Washington conference in Oregon. The conversation was just getting fully engaged when the bell rang for the next session, so we’ve invited session participants with more to say to weigh in here.
June 2014 |
I attended the June 16, PolicyWorks teleconference discussing philanthropy’s role in promoting early childhood education. More than 50 individuals from foundation and regional associations participated, with ten Philanthropy Northwest members joining the call.