Strengthening Philanthropy

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Strengthening Philanthropy

March 2023 |

Strategic Planning requires an organization to define its direction, vision for the future and the goals necessary to achieve the said vision. In the past, for many organizations, this process centered on programming and donor stewardship. More recently, foundations have begun centering racial...

Why Community Foundations are Centering Racial Equity in Their Strategic Planning
February 2023 |

Aviva Stampfer is the grants and program director at Washington Women’s Foundation (WaWF), where she leads their grantmaking and educational work. She began working with WaWF in 2017 and, after several years with the organization, she saw a significant change in their philanthropy and realized...

A woman with long blonde hair and wearing a black blazer shaking a mans hand. The man has dark hair and a white button up on.
December 2022 |

During her first six months on the job, Philanthropy Northwest’s new CEO Jill Nishi has met with members in our network, spoken with community partners and settled into her new role. Looking forward to 2023, we sat down with Jill to get her thoughts on the first six months leading the...

Denim blue graphic with an image of Philanthropy Northwest CEO Jill Nishi on the left side and the words "A Conversation with Our CEO Jill Nishi: Reflecting on 2023 and Looking Ahead to the New Year" on the right side.
December 2022 |

Gene Yoon (he/him) is a communications manager at the Pacific Hospital Preservation & Development Authority and is part of the fourth cohort of Philanthropy Northwest's ...

River blue graphic that says "Fresh Off the Barriers: Othered and Invisible" and has a Philanthropy Northwest logo element in different colors in the right corner.
December 8, 2022
10:00am to 11:00pm

Philanthropy has often conflated narrative change work with strategic communications, one-directional communications campaigns or story projects that may have short-term effects but fail to transform cultural norms. Instead, narrative change means shifting our worldview. As Pop Culture...

Image of four people of different ages holding hands above their heads and speaking into microphones at an outdoor gathering.
September 2022 |

Following our long summer days here in the Northwest, the crisp air and vibrant colors of fall’s arrival signal a time for new beginnings and change. As a prior attendee of Philanthropy Northwest’s annual convening, I always looked forward to this opportunity to absorb new ideas, find...

PNW22 Illuminate graphic that says "Grounding Us in Truth-Telling for Our Work Ahead" in denim blue letters. Across the bottom a green and yellow border says "Virtual Summit, October 6 | In-Person Member Retreat, October 11-13"
August 2022 | The Giving Practice

Bold, curious, reflective, human. Here’s what we’ve been hearing this past quarter in philanthropy:     

The quotes below are from two in-person conferences that our team has attended this year: GEO’s 2022 National Conference and The United...

Overheard in Philanthropy: In Person!