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August 2023 | The Giving Practice

We are excited to introduce you to three new senior advisors who recently joined our TGP community: Katie Hong, Robin Martin and Emily Parker. 

Katie, Robin and Emily bring a wealth of experiences across multiple sectors and deep commitments to advancing racial equity in philanthropy....

Feature Image on yellow background: Meet Katie, Robin and Emily
July 2023 |

Get ready to soak up the sun and ignite your passion for positive change this summer in the Pacific Northwest! Our Philanthropy Northwest and The Giving Practice staff curated a list of captivating books to inspire and empower you. From thought-provoking reads to transformative tales, these...

Photo of a woman reading a book in a hammock in the forest nearby a river
July 2023 | The Giving Practice

International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP) is a global community of funders dedicated to Indigenous Peoples worldwide. This past spring, through a process led by Executive Director Lourdes...

Evolutions of a Global Community of Funders: Reflections on International Funders for Indigenous Peoples' latest strategy process with Executive Director Lourdes Inga (Interview)
July 2023 | The Giving Practice

During the United Philanthropy Forum’s 2023 conference, keynote speaker F. Javier Torres-Campos, poignantly expressed to attendees that “philanthropy is born out of love but is...

Featured Image with blue background, white text, and illustration of lion. Title: Embracing Courageous Mindsets to Transform Philanthropy. Perspectives from UPF's 2023 conference.
July 2023 |

How fast a year flies! This month marks my one-year anniversary with Philanthropy Northwest, and a year of learning from our dynamic network of funders in our six-state region, our insightful board members and my remarkable...

Photo of Philanthropy Northwest's CEO Jill Nishi with a microphone
July 2023 |

Our Philanthropy Northwest staff had not been to Alaska since before the pandemic – so when I heard about our plan to head to Anchorage as part of #PNWOnTheRoad, I jumped at the opportunity to join the adventure! This was my very first trip to Alaska and there were so many things about Anchorage...

Photo of Philanthropy Northwest staff Mika (left), Jill (middle) and Nancy (right) in Anchorage, Alaska looking at scenery at a snowy mountaintop
July 2023 | The Giving Practice

For leaders in philanthropy working to advance racial equity with their organizations, Can we talk about…? a podcast on leading for racial equity in philanthropy offers not a roadmap or checklist but stories – honest reflections, bold moves, aha moments, moments of fear, discomfort, joy and levity — to guide and support you along your journey.