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September 2020 | Philanthropy Northwest

To prevent a 2020 Census undercount in Boise, funders worked with each other and the city government to build awareness and encourage people to take the census. This Idaho Bright Spot details the story of the local partners' efforts that led to Boise achieving a 2020 Census self-response rate higher than both the national average and its own 2010 rate.

Cover image for Idaho Bright Spot: Supporting an Accurate Census Count
October 2018 | Philanthropy Northwest

Deepening political polarization is one of the greatest challenges facing American democracy. This Idaho Bright Spot details how citizen-run forums alleviated divisions within a community, encouraged civic participation in local projects and became a useful resource for government agencies...

Thumbnail of Idaho Bright Spot: Solving Problems for the Common Good
August 2018 | Philanthropy Northwest

Commitment to place is a core value at Philanthropy Northwest and to community foundations. Honoring place means that we acknowledge both the bright spots and the difficult truths of the places in our region that many of us call home. We do not want to shy away from this complexity, but rather make the most of this opportunity. We will be in Boise for PNW18 at a time of unprecedented growth and diversity.

May 25, 2017
9:30am to 11:00am

The effects of natural and manmade disasters have become more frequent, far-reaching and widespread. As a result, preserving the safety, security and prosperity of all parts of our society is becoming more challenging. Our nation’s traditional approach to managing the risks associated with these disasters relies heavily on the government. However, today’s changing reality is affecting all levels of government in their efforts to improve our resilience while grappling with the limitations of their capabilities. Even in small- and medium-sized disasters, which the government is generally effective at managing, significant access and service gaps still exist. In large-scale disasters or catastrophes, government resources and capabilities can be overwhelmed. In this call, Mike Riedy and Matt Cedar will provide an overview of the four phases of emergency management, differences between community recovery and individual recovery and suggest ways to support the long-term recovery group process, including why financial contributions are best.

May 2017 |

Preliminary results from this month's 24-hour giving days in Idaho, Montana and Washington report that donors gave more than $21.4 million to a range of nonprofits across our region. The current estimate falls below last year's May giving day totals — which raised about $25.4 million for nonprofits in Idaho, Montana and Washington, despite a national website crash that delayed and discouraged donors — but above the $19 million raised in 2015. Final numbers won't be available for a few more weeks, as organizers confirm payments, matching funds and other complex calculations.

April 28, 2017
All day
Seattle, WA

Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) will share progress on the Generation Indigenous national work, feature story presentations of Native youth, and discuss cross-sector alignment and goals on funding and programmatic outcomes. This program is for funders committed to communities in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.

April 12, 2017
12:30pm to 2:00pm
Audio Call Only

Join us for perspectives and Q&A from state Humanities and Arts organizations in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. Learn how and where federal dollars flow to states, the impact on local communities if this funding source is eliminated and advocacy efforts to date.