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July 2015 |
Kristen Holway, Senior Manager, Learning Practice | Drought conditions have brought wildfire season early to the Pacific Northwest. With 30,000 acres engulfed in Idaho, Oregon and Washington over the weekend, and as we approach the first anniversary of the devastating Carlton Complex Fire, I'm reminded of the interdependence of the people, government and funders in our region's disaster preparedness, response and recovery — especially long-term recovery.
June 2015 |
Cambia Health Foundation is giving a $4 million grant to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Foundation in support of the Knight Cancer Challenge.
March 2015 |
by Nicole Neroulias Gupte, Communications Manager | Three programs in the Pacific Northwest have won funding to study the feasibility of using Pay for Success to expand services for vulnerable populations in Oregon and Washington state.
February 2015 | Philanthropy Northwest

In this 5th edition of "Trends in Northwest Giving - 2014," we analyzed 23,783 grants to northwest organizations from 245 funders in 2012, totaling $958,347,806. This represents a 4% decline in giving over 2010, which was expected given the volatile economic recovery since the 2008 recession. Read on to find out about giving in our region, state-by-state trends and more!

Cover image for Trends in NW Giving 2014 report-a elder man with gray hair and mustache wearing a white shirt and white cowboy hat
August 2014 | Philanthropy Northwest
Jeff Clarke continues his conversations with leaders in the region and across the field with Anne Kubisch, president of The Ford Family Foundation in Roseburg, Ore.
July 2012 | Philanthropy Northwest

This edition of "Trends in Northwest Giving - 2012" captures more than $1.08 billion made to the Northwest in 2010. This is a 23.5% decline from the numbers reported in 2008. Download the report to learn about other post-2008 recession giving trends in our six-state region.

Cover image for Trends in NW Giving 2012 report-a picture of 5 dandelion-like seed pods