What are the opportunities and challenges for funding journalism related to your foundation's mission? In this second installment of Next10, our conversation series about philanthropy trends to watch in the next decade, we spoke with Anne Martens of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and...
What happens when you reach an impasse in dialogues? Sometimes words are an "aide-de-camp" to sustain attention to what’s hard to talk about with others. Read about the use of images, metaphors, stories and poems in philanthropy.
David Bley and David Wertheimer of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have three recent posts addressing related aspects of homelessness on the Gates Foundation's Impatient Optimists blog. "How do we make homelessness a one-time occurrence?" asks David Bley, showcasing King County's...
David Bley, Board Chair | The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is celebrating 15 years of helping people all over the world and here at home lead healthy, productive lives. To mark this anniversary, we’re taking some time to reflect on our past and look ahead to our future.
An NCFP Monthly Webinar for NCFP’s Entire Network of Friends & Subscribers What are new emerging issues facing philanthropic donors and families? How are families’ funding priorities, governance practices, and approaches to giving and decision-making evolving and changing? How are issues of...
Join Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems Funders for this webinar on the anti-hunger landscape. This discussion will feature concrete examples of the connection between food insecurity and food systems. Speakers will share a newly published philanthropic call to action from the Global...