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July 10, 2024
2:00pm to 3:00pm

The Democracy Northwest Funders Table brings together funders focused on civic engagement, community power-building and making political representation more inclusive and accountable. Conversations can include guest speakers ranging from grassroots advocates to elected officials.


Plum purple graphic that says "Democracy Northwest Funders" in white text in the left corner. On the right is a photo of a lady with curly hair holding a small American flag in her hand and an "I Voted" sticker on her shirt.
July 9, 2024 to July 10, 2024
8:30am to 2:00pm
Seattle, WA

The Building Community Philanthropy initiative helps strengthen the capacity of community foundations, United Ways and identity-based foundations to drive meaningful progress in their communities.

Two women at a Philanthropy Northwest conference hugging
August 2023 |

Homelessness is something that affects all states in our region. In our network, community foundations like Oregon Community Foundation and Alaska Community Foundation are working on housing solutions and partnering with their state governments and fellow funders to maximize their impact....

How Partnerships Strengthen Oregon Community Foundation and Alaska Community Foundation's Housing Solutions
June 2023 |

Spring in the Pacific Northwest brings longer days (yay sunshine!), new blooms and, for us at Philanthropy Northwest, a return to travel! Our ultimate philanthropy road trip took us to Oregon where we connected with changemakers and members across the state. We are incredibly grateful for the...

Emerald green graphic that reads "PNW on the Road, April 2023, Oregon" and had a cartoon of a woman on a Vespa with a suitcase on the back with Pacific Northwest themed stickers.
May 10, 2023 to May 12, 2023
12:00pm PDT
Wildhorse Resort and Casino

We invite our Oregon and Southwest Washington members and partners to attend Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington's annual conference this May. 

We know that change is inevitable and we have the opportunity to explore how it can be used to transform us. At this year’s...

An image of rolling, blue hills with the text "Embracing Change: Transforming Philanthropy" overlaid on top of it.
November 10, 2022
3:00pm to 4:30pm

The Democracy Northwest Funders Table brings together funders focused on civic engagement, community power-building and making political representation more inclusive and accountable.

This session will focus on narrative and its ability to shape cultural understanding and structural...

Plum purple graphic that says "Democracy Northwest Funders" in white text in the left corner. On the right is a photo of a lady with curly hair holding a small American flag in her hand and an "I Voted" sticker on her shirt.
June 25, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

How prevalent are white nationalist groups in the Northwest? The racist fringe subculture that led the U.S. capitol insurrection on January 6, 2021 is part of a larger movement. Its “alt-right” coalition is shaping the public narrative on national policies, endangering community cohesion and...

Event banner for Philanthropy Northwest Network Call with icon of three people talking