Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

Philanthropy Northwest
November 2, 2020
10:00am to 11:30am

The fourth Advocacy in Action session will highlight how philanthropy can strengthen democracy by sharing bright spots and lessons learned.

Web banner with event title: Advocacy in Action and a megaphone icon and the Philanthropy Northwest logo
October 15, 2020
11:00am to 12:15pm

Less than 2 percent of foundation dollars spent in the past decade have been dedicated to efforts to advance democracy reform, construed broadly. The indifference that this number reflects is astonishing, given the importance of a functioning democracy to almost everything that foundations care...

October 2020 |

Kris Hermanns is a Philanthropy Northwest board member and the chief impact officer at Seattle Foundation. She also provides staffing support to ...

All In Washington Logo
September 2020 | The Giving Practice

Even in the best of times, foundation leaders navigate a complex landscape. Since early March, we’ve heard from several of these leaders regarding the growing challenges they face in supporting their staff, board members and their communities under the cloud of a pandemic. It’s a lot to hold....

Philanthropy Northwest
September 21, 2020
10:00am to 11:30am

In the third session of Advocacy in Action, we will look at how funders can scale their impact by working together. We will use the 2020 Census and other civic engagement efforts across philanthropy to advance public policy strategies and impact in communities.

Web banner with event title: Advocacy in Action and a megaphone icon and the Philanthropy Northwest logo
August 2020 |

In the fall of 1981, I was a freshman at Franklin High School in south Seattle. At the time, Seattle Public Schools adopted a mandatory busing program to racially integrate its schools. Students from the Seattle north end neighborhoods were the first cohort of predominately white students to...

Protesters in Seattle with Black Lives Matter signs
August 13, 2020
9:00am to 10:15am

Getting your family together for a retreat is a great way to spend quality time together, as well as focus on your family’s giving with the foundation. Families use a variety of resources to build community and discuss important topics in their philanthropy. In this webinar, you will hear how...