Grantmaking Practices

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Grantmaking Practices

July 2024 |

Launched in 2019, the Go Kids program aimed to overcome Oregon’s opportunity gap that is created by factors like where a person lives, their race and family background. Through its four years of operation, the initiative would grant over $2 million dollars in funding for Oregon’s underserved...

Ocean blue graphic with emerald green and blueberry blue blob shapes in the corners. The title reads "How Oregon Community Foundation Used Trust-Based Philanthropy in their Efforts to Address the Opportunity Gap for Oregon Kids". Headshot for Ruby Buchhol
January 2024 |

Giving circles have existed for a long time as a way for groups of people to pool together money or resources to give away. Their popularity has grown recently, and many funders now see giving circles as an impactful tool to empower and strengthen their communities. We asked two of our community...

The Power of Giving Circles
June 13, 2023
10:00am to 1:00pm

Considering diverse perspectives and experiences is critical to effective grantmaking and foundation programming. Practicing equity requires slowing down to reflect on the ways we can facilitate a more equitable and inclusive grantmaking process. This training is designed for mid-to senior-level...

Blueberry banner that says "Grantmaking with an Equity Lens" and has a circular design element on the right side with some of the rectangular shapes connecting
January 24, 2023
10:00am to 11:30am

Family foundations have always been a force in rural communities. Two major factors influence this consistent presence: First, the wealth of many philanthropic families was developed and generated in rural environments, in industries like timber, mining, agriculture and manufacturing. Second,...

Image of a farm land and homestead in Sublimity, Oregon
June 7, 2022
10:00am to 1:00pm

This grantmaking training is designed for mid- to senior-level foundation staff or trustees who are at the beginning of thinking about how to apply equity in the practice of grantmaking and program development. The context is designed to focus on the individual role and the practice of equity in grantmaking.

Blueberry banner that says "Grantmaking with an Equity Lens" and has a circular design element on the right side with some of the rectangular shapes connecting
March 2022 |

Skagit County in Washington state was hit by severe weather starting in November 2021, leaving many agricultural producers and workers deeply impacted by the storm and flood damage. The county’s sizable migrant farmworker and undocumented populations were hit particularly hard due to their...

Farming tractor on a flooded road in Washington state.
February 2022 |

This article was originally published by The Bridgespan Group on December 14, 2021; Philanthropy Northwest has cross-posted an excerpt here with their permission. See the original piece and the full report ...

Releasing the Potential of Philanthropic Collaborations Report Cover