Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

March 2017 |

March is Women’s History Month, including International Women's Day on March 8. While it is important to honor the extraordinary achievements of women and the progress we are making on issues of women’s rights and equality, many discouraging statistics persist. Only 4% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women; only five female CEOs are leading public companies in Washington state today. The Puget Sound Business Journal recently reported that only 18% of the new CEOs named in the Puget Sound region in 2016 were women. Fortunately, these statistics don’t represent my own experience working in the nonprofit sector for the past 20 years. I have always had female supervisors and my most important mentors have been women; in my current role as executive director of the Medina Foundation, I work with amazing women every day who are strong, innovative leaders. I also know that my experience reflects that Northwest foundation statistics are an anomaly.

March 2017 | Philanthropy Northwest

The Momentum Fellowship is designed to prepare professionals from underrepresented communities, particularly communities of color, for successful careers in the philanthropic sector through professional development, networking and mentoring opportunities. We're excited to announce that our next cohort of Momentum Fellows will be placed at seven foundations across the Northwest: Marguerite Casey Foundation, The Collins Foundation, Empire Health Foundation, Meyer Memorial Trust, Rasmuson Foundation, Whatcom Community Foundation and Women's Foundation of Oregon.

February 17, 2017
1:00pm to 4:00pm
Seattle, WA

Please join us for this urgent conversation about protecting marginalized communities over the next four years. We are inviting nonprofits, funders, community leader and governmental offices to an urgent meeting featuring organizations at the forefront to discuss their work, what they need to be effective and how all of us can help.

January 2017 |

Greater Seattle's public, private and philanthropy sectors came together last month to support the annual No Child Sleeps Outside campaign to address the crisis of hundreds of families and children sleeping outside in King County, Washington. Including major gifts from The Starbucks Foundation, Schultz Family Foundation and Microsoft, more than 50 local businesses and organizations and thousands of online and Starbucks store donors raised $4.5 million for Mary's Place, the region's largest family emergency shelter provider.

November 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

Confession: I had avoided Salesforce's annual Dreamforce conference in the past, thinking its huge size would be so overwelming that it would be of no benefit to my work. This year’s gathering brought 170,000 attendees to San Francisco, the equivalent of 20% of the city's population. I could suddenly relate to some of Philanthropy Northwest's newer members, figuring out our suite of workshops and resources, and where they fit in our six-state network of family funds, foundations and corporate giving programs. In both cases, it's helpful to focus on smaller subgroups for shared learning, keep an open mind, find your balance and have fun.

October 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

The presidential election has hijacked America's attention. We have much at stake, of course, but this highly polarized atmosphere has distracted us from what brings us together and alienated too many potential partners. If we look more carefully at communities around the Pacific Northwest, regardless of political preferences, we see that constructive conversations, solutions-based initiatives and community-based approaches have taken root and will bear fruit long after Election 2016. As Philanthropy Northwest's Sustainability Catalyst Fellow, I have an opportunity to take a closer look at eight of these projects and share my findings with our network.

October 2016 |

As Americans consider whether to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president, we've also put the Clinton Foundation and Trump Foundation under the microscope, peppering both organizations with accusations of self-dealing, conflicts of interests and questionable charitable purpose. These stories provide a great opportunity to reflect and refresh ourselves about the risks we should all be thinking about when managing a family foundation. Based on my 30 years of providing tax, financial statement and consulting services for over 100 foundations, primarily family foundations, here are the top five risk areas I encounter most often: