Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

April 2015 |
Jeff Clarke, CEO | When talking about advocacy or policy, we often immediately think in terms of federal or state levels of government. But while the vast majority of policy is generated at the state level, out of Whatcom County, Wash. comes a stark reminder of the necessity of carefully monitoring local initiatives.
April 2015 |

Philanthropy Northwest is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion as key tenets of our culture, policies and processes. As the organization’s talent partner, eager to learn how others in our region think about diversity in the workplace, I joined 1,100 managers, human resource professionals, diversity specialists and employees at the Portland General Electric’s Diversity Summit 2015 earlier this month. Here are my takeaways:

April 20, 2015 to April 21, 2015
All day
Anchorage, Alaska
For nonprofit leaders – both board and staff – leading through periods of change can be challenging. This year The Foraker Group will examine various aspects of change as the subject of its Leadership Summit, which will be held April 20-21 at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage. The theme of the conference is "Transform. Create. Lead: As a sector – As organizations – As individual leaders."
April 2015 | Philanthropy Northwest

Sindhu Knotz, Partner, The Giving Practice | We are excited to announce that Philanthropy Northwest has launched the Momentum Fellowship, a program designed to prepare professionals from underrepresented communities, particularly communities of color, for successful careers in the philanthropic sector through professional development, networking and mentoring opportunities.

March 2015 |
Jon Stahl, Communications Director| On March 25, Philanthropy Northwest and Seattle CityClub co-hosted an event featuring Daniel Kemmis, Philanthropy Northwest board member and fellow at the Kettering Foundation and Daniel Stid, director of the Hewlett Foundation's Madison Initiative.
March 2015 |
Jeff Clarke, CEO | Relationships with elected officials at the local, state and federal levels are the center of policy work. At the same time, these important relationships are but one of many necessary for influence within our large, complex policy ecosystem. Building relationships within the administration and across agencies, at all levels of government, is equally important. Mapping this part of the ecosystem and building relationships is a current focus of our policy work.
March 3, 2015
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Anchorage, AK
The Alaska Funders Group (AFG) is a peer-to-peer group that facilitates making connections, sharing experiences and gathering together to form a learning network which maximizes philanthropic impact in our communities. AFG meets to create cooperative relationships, build capacity and explore the ways we can work together. Participation is open to any organization or collective committed to advancing the practice of philanthropy in Alaska. Organizations do not have to be a member of Philanthropy Northwest to participate in AFG.