Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

April 2020 |

During this time of crisis, all of us are thinking of how we can best support our communities. Our Philanthropy Northwest board and leadership are inspired by the strategic leadership of our members and as you are working hard to be a resource to your community, we hope you’ll also think about...

Philanthropy Northwest Board at Philanthropy Northwest's 2019 Annual Conference
March 2020 | Philanthropy Northwest

Due to sudden unforeseen circumstances, virtual offices have quickly become the new norm. The current pandemic has caused us to rethink how we work and communicate, and organizations are navigating similar challenges around this. These challenges include how to continue serving grantees,...

Women Working on a Laptop
Philanthropy Northwest
February 19, 2020
10:00am to 12:00pm

Are you new to Philanthropy?  Have you expanded your team?  Include this series in your staff onboarding! 

Philanthropy 101 is a five-part virtual series that helps all staff new to philanthropy better understand the sector and grow their peer network.

January 2020 |

For 2020, Philanthropy Northwest’s board of directors elected an entirely new slate of board officers. In line with our journey to weave equitable and inclusive practices into everything we do, the majority of our 2020 officers are women of color. We are honored to have them lend their expertise to lead our organization.

PNW Board Officers Graphic
November 2019 | The Giving Practice

Behind every great foundation is… a lot of money. We know those funds have to be invested to generate returns that pay for grants and operations. But can the money at the heart of the foundation business model be responsive to a foundation’s important values of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)? The answer to this question is yes. You can read all about it our new report that includes interviews with executives at eight large foundations that have embraced organization-wide DEI efforts.

November 21, 2019
2:30pm to 4:30pm
Seattle, WA

This session will include a three interactive components: (1) Review of the best research advances in child welfare and policy practice in the past 5-10 years; (2) Group discussion to identify the knowledge and research gaps in the fields of child welfare, children's behavioral health, and substance abuse treatment; and (3) Discussion of how to address key research/knowledge gaps - including new ways of collaborating to ensure that the right research is conducted and used for policy, program design and practice.

October 2019 |

Have you ever had a question or need for assistance that prevented you from making progress at work?  Now, imagine you also work for a budget-constrained nonprofit, and maybe you’re the only employee or one of just a handful of people running the organization. What do you do when you’re stumped or at an impasse?