Native & Tribal

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Native & Tribal

October 2015 |
Local Matters: Alaska + Indigenous Communities is just days away! We're pleased to confirm that leaders from these organizations will be joining us in Anchorage, October 11 to 14:
September 2015 |
Lyn Hunter, Senior Program Manager | With "Philanthropy is... Indigenous Ways of Knowing" as our theme, we are stepping beyond our standard programs next month to offer an invitation that echoes our own journey: to listen and experience a very different way of thinking about philanthropy, community and impact. In my nine years at Philanthropy Northwest, I have never been more excited about a program than I am about Local Matters: Alaska + Indigenous Communities next month. Here's why.
September 2015 |
Jason A. Atkinson, Filmmaker and Former Oregon State Senator | Nearly 300 miles long, flowing from southern Oregon to northern California, the Klamath River has been a source of conflict between conservationists, tribes, farmers, fishermen, and state and federal agencies for generations. My new film, with support from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust and other Pacific Northwest funders, examines this complicated history and documents the largest river restoration project in U.S. history. This unique case of collaboration, in a place most Americans can't find on a map, is a prime example for the rest of the country to follow.
August 2015 |

Growing up in Los Angeles, one of most diverse cities in the world, I was constantly reminded of the importance of embracing our differences. Before coming to Seattle and joining Philanthropy Northwest last month, I spent four years in Thailand, where I had the opportunity to experience even greater disparities between indigenous peoples, migrant workers, women and the ruling majority. Along the way, I've learned that being a good educator means being a good student. Effective teaching is about listening, questioning, being responsive and open-minded. It’s about reaching out to others and encouraging interaction and responses. I look forward to applying these lessons to my new role at Philanthropy Northwest and learning more from our network of indigenous, rural and urban community leaders, social entrepreneurs, funders and partners.

August 2015 | Philanthropy Northwest
Anthony Mallott is CEO of Sealaska, a Juneau-based Alaska Native corporation owned by 22,000 Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian shareholders. In addition to leading Sealaska, he serves on the Rasmuson Foundation board and The Alaska Community Foundation investment committee. He recently spoke with Philanthropy Northwest CEO Jeff Clarke about his work, as part of our ongoing series of interviews with key leaders in philanthropy from across the region and around the nation.
July 2015 |

The Alaska Conservation Foundation's Alaska Native Fund awarded 14 grants totaling $249,965 for indigenous environmental priorities addressing food security, sustainable economies...

June 2015 |
The Potlatch Fund — a nonprofit group serving Native communities — has chosen Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe Chairman to receive the Billy Frank Jr. Natural Resource Protection Leadership Honoring Award.