Strengthening Philanthropy

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Strengthening Philanthropy

November 2019 | Philanthropy Northwest

Trends in Northwest Giving began as a project of Philanthropy Northwest in 2002 and has been published every two years as an aggregation and analysis of grantmaking trends that shape our region — Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. The Trends in Northwest Giving 2019 report focuses on the most recent data available, through fiscal year 2016, and includes a combination of information from our membership network, Form 990s and intermediaries.

Image of Trends in NW Giving report cover with a spiral of rocks in water
August 2019 | The Giving Practice

Developed in partnership with United Philanthropy Forum and Northern California Grantmakers, this guide shares seven practices and 12 tools for Philanthropy-Serving Organizations who seek effective ways to mobilize resources to sustain their organization’s work. Part of our DIY Series, the guide features perspectives from dozens of leaders of national and regional PSOs and examples from our work with these organizations.

Adaptive Business Model
March 2019 | The Giving Practice

What are the roadblocks that limit reflective practice in the field of philanthropy? This article is designed to help foundations encourage leadership and staff to put their expertise into play as a learning strategy.

February 2019 | The Giving Practice

Looking for a more participatory way to get advice on dilemmas at work? This practice takes conversations around the “water cooler” to their next level. Read about a technique for getting and sharing advice that can be a game changer for everyone involved.

Thumbnail of cover, titled PRP Brief: Enlist Peers
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

What happens when you reach an impasse in dialogues? Sometimes words are an "aide-de-camp" to sustain attention to what’s hard to talk about with others. Read about the use of images, metaphors, stories and poems in philanthropy.


Let the Right Brain In
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

How do you process your internal reactions and signals before you jump to help others? Learn techniques from philanthropy practitioners that have helped create an environment for learning on both individual and systems levels.

Thumbnail image of cover entitled Practice Presence
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

What roles are most important to your work? How do you construct them and bring your unique talents to the role? How do you manage your personal challenges in the role? Borrow a few techniques from fellow practitioners described in this brief.

Thumbnail of guide cover entitled Discover Your Role