Strengthening Philanthropy

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Strengthening Philanthropy

January 2024 | Philanthropy Northwest

Happy New Year! At Philanthropy Northwest and The Giving Practice, our team of staff and consultants are excited to see what 2024 holds for our organization and our sector.

Last year as a network we sought to reimagine philanthropy. Together, we leaned into feelings of joy and courage,...

A sky blue graphic with two women jumping up into the air and the words "To new possibilities in 2024" in the middle and the Philanthropy Northwest and The Giving Practice logos underneath.
December 2023 |

Over the last several months, Philanthropy Northwest has been attempting to deepen and expand the conversation around reparative action in philanthropy within our region. To do this, we sought to lean into learning from and about folks who are already engaged in the journey of repair through...

The Shift Blog: Resources to Support You in Your Reparative Action Journey. A collection of learnings and tools from The Shift event series to support you in taking action towards repair with a read now button and the Philanthropy Northwest logo
December 2023 |

At Philanthropy Northwest, our commitment to building connections and understanding the unique needs of our members takes us on exciting journeys. As part of our #PNWOnTheRoad initiative, we embarked on the ultimate philanthropy road trip, extending outreach to our members and partners...

River blue graphic that reads "PNW on the Road, Washington" and has graphics of a city in the background and  hand holding an organge suitcase with Pacific Northwest themed stickers.
December 2023 |

This year, our Philanthropy Northwest staff packed up our bags and took a road trip to visit members throughout our region as part of #PNWOnTheRoad. Through these trips, we set out to reconnect in person with our members and partners, do some shared learning and find out more about what our...

Yellow graphic that reads "PNW on the Road, Montana" and has graphics of a farm in the background and an RV with Pacific Northwest themed stickers.
December 2023 |

In late 2021, LBC Action invited Philanthropy Northwest to explore a partnership with the WA Outdoors Project, an initiative to strengthen organizational collaboration to promote equitable resources and opportunities for Washington youth to connect to the outdoors. Philanthropy Northwest is...

Blog title: The Power of Equitable Collaboration: How the WA Outdoors Project Brought BIPOC-Led Organizations Together to Connect Children with the Outdoors over an image of trees from the Pacific Northwest
November 2023 |

Embrace the cozy vibes of autumn with our fall reading list, brimming with captivating philanthropic reads suggested by our staff at Philanthropy Northwest. Get ready to grab a warm cup of tea, cuddle up in your reading...

African American young woman reading a book at home at her cozy corner
October 2023 |

Empowering and equipping youth with the necessary tools to pursue their unique career goals is the primary focus of Alaska Airlines’ Foundation (AAF). After nearly three decades of operation, the organization has continued to expand its work and impact specifically in Alaska, Hawai'i, California...

Alaska Airlines Foundation - Twenty-Five Years and Counting with Tim Thompson's headshot