Trends Updated

Trends Updated

On March 18, we released an updated version of Trends in Northwest Giving 2014, which contains significant revisions to our data from Oregon, and minor updates to other data. If you downloaded Trends before March 18, we recommend you download the updated version at:

We obtain much of the data for Trends from our partners at the Foundation Center. Unfortunately, their data set mistakenly included some extra grants for one major Oregon-based funder, which affected our overall Oregon data and had minor effects on the region as a whole. We are disappointed that this happened and we appreciate the sharp-eyed readers who detected the error. It’s also an important lesson about the state of grantmaking data — our field’s systems and practices for reporting and sharing grantmaking data have much room for improvement.

We have updated the data and republished Trends on the web, and we are putting in place processes to ensure that we are able to catch this kind of reporting error in the future.