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December 8, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

Join Moss Adams for this webinar exploring important tax updates from the US Department of the Treasury, Congress and the IRS regarding implications for tax-exempt organizations.

December 2021 | The Giving Practice

In a year filled with unprecedented complexity and uncertainty, we've walked alongside our clients as they've reflected deeply on their organizations and what is being called of them in the moment. We've supported them as they've pivoted, tested new ideas and moved forward with courage to...

Featured Image with Title: Reflection, Transition and Celebration. Updates from TGP. Icon of megaphone on the right side.
December 7, 2021
12:00pm to 1:00pm

Dr. Ben Danielson, pediatrician and clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine, will be joining us as our keynote speaker for our corporate member briefing. During this convening, Dr. Danielson will share about his 20+ years of experience working in the...

December 7, 2021
10:00am to 1:00pm

Considering diverse perspectives and experiences is critical to effective grantmaking and foundation programming. Practicing equity requires slowing down to reflect on the ways we can facilitate a more equitable and inclusive grantmaking process. This training is designed for mid- to senior-...

Blueberry banner that says "Grantmaking with an Equity Lens" and has a circular design element on the right side with some of the rectangular shapes connecting
December 2021 |

With 2021 almost behind us, Philanthropy Northwest is looking forward to a merrier, brighter and stronger 2022. As I reflect on the difficulties and continuing challenges facing our region this year, I am incredibly proud of our network’s collective work in support of communities to build a...

 United for Change: Celebrating All We’ve Accomplished Together in 2021
December 3, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

Join us for a conversation as we explore the ways funders can thoughtfully contribute to and learn from grassroots, community-led mutual aid networks. As funders seek new and innovative ways to address growing disparities, mutual aid has become a critical piece of the support infrastructure in many Northwest communities. Through its guiding principle of "solidarity, not charity," this community-initiated and led style of giving has supported the distribution of material goods (PPE, fans, food), grief support, and much more during a time of great need.

Event banner for Philanthropy Northwest Network Call with icon of three people talking
December 1, 2021
9:00am to 12:00pm

Philanthropy 101 is a four-part virtual series that helps all staff new to philanthropy better understand the sector. In this interactive course, you will discover the history of philanthropy, review a foundation's leadership and governance, learn an overview of grantmaking, debate the current...

Philanthropy 101 Graphic with a blueberry background and on the right is a circular design with puzzle piece shapes