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October 2021 |

We are delighted to introduce the newest cohort of Momentum Fellows! Cohort four of our Momentum Fellowship program kicked off in September 2021 and includes an incredible group of emerging leaders of color in philanthropy. We are...

Momentum Fellows Cohort 4 Graphic
October 2021 |

The Momentum Fellowship is a program that supports professionals of color in philanthropy who bring their cultural backgrounds, identities and lived experiences into their workplace. During the 18-month program, fellows join a cohort of peers and engage in facilitated learning, networking...

Group photo of Philanthropy Northwest's Cohort 3 of Momentum Fellows
October 26, 2021 to October 28, 2021
All day

The Central America Donors Forum (CADF) is the premier networking and learning space to advance philanthropy and development efforts in Central America. Each year, the Forum brings together hundreds of leaders...

2021 Central America Donors Forum Conference
October 25, 2021 to October 28, 2021
9:15am to 5:30pm

Funders interested in learning more about Native nonprofits and opportunities to invest in Indian Country are invited to participate in Hopa Mountain's online Strengthening the Circle gathering happening October 25 – 28. Strengthening the Circle...

October 21, 2021
10:30am to 11:45pm

Philanthropic purpose, impact and perpetuity are on the minds of giving families more than ever before. Many are reconsidering the lifespan of their giving effort with a fresh lens as community needs increase and the sector evolves. Yet the opportunities of limited lifespan are often not clear...

October 15, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

As many of us across the globe are becoming increasingly aware of the ever-present effects of climate change, here in the Northwest we are contending with this reality, in the form of wildfires (among other things). This is not new, but they are becoming more and more prevalent across our...

Event banner for Philanthropy Northwest Network Call with icon of three people talking
October 14, 2021
11:00am to 12:00pm

Every week, the Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) reports on numerous floods, fires and other climate-related disasters around the world. Not only are disasters increasing, but it is also clear that climate change is a major contributing...