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August 2021 | The Giving Practice

Dear Friends,

Featured image: New Journeys. A note from Audrey on TGP's leadership transition.
August 2021 |

This report highlights the role of the Washington Census Equity Fund in promoting an accurate 2020 Census count in Washington. Through stakeholder interviews and data analysis, the evaluation delves into the impacts and lessons learned throughout the process of collective grantmaking, collaboration and advocacy.

 Thumbnail image of report cover, entitled in white text on dark blue background:  2020 Washington Census Equity Fund Evaluation Report. Cutout images of people plus a scenic Washington landscape decorate the cover design.
July 29, 2021
12:30pm to 2:00pm

The state of Washington is home to over 943,000 immigrants and receives the 8th most refugees of any U.S. state. The state’s immigrant communities - particularly undocumented immigrants -were especially vulnerable to the health and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet they were...

July 27, 2021
9:30am to 11:30am

Join us for our summer Pierce County Funders Meeting to learn about how the American Rescue Plan Recovery Funding will impact the Pierce County nonprofit sector and the economy as a whole. Our speakers from the City of Tacoma and local nonprofits will share how they are moving money to where it...

July 23, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) introduces a vast amount of new federal funding for Northwest communities. This economic relief package, passed by Congress in March 2021, provides direct economic impact payments to...

Event banner for Philanthropy Northwest Network Call with icon of three people talking
July 21, 2021
10:00am to 11:00am

Join Philanthropy Northwest and the Regional Community Foundation Network for a conversation about how community foundations...

Philanthropy Northwest graphic elements, ocean blue colored background with arcs of river blue, plum, and pine green colors
July 15, 2021
12:30pm to 3:30pm

Philanthropy Northwest is partnering with the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project to offer this virtual Trust-Based Philanthropy Cohort. This is the second session in a six...

Philanthropy Northwest graphic elements, plum background with other arcs of accent colors