Civic Engagement & Public Policy

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Civic Engagement & Public Policy

March 10, 2016
11:00am to 12:00pm

Attending or interested in attending Foundations on the Hill in April? Curious about how the fast-paced, animated, and often complex political environment can trickle down to influence your work? Wondering about whether tax reform will ever happen and, when it does, how these changes will impact philanthropy? This webinar will explain how current debates here in our nation’s capital affect the work you do in your community. Experts will discuss what's happening on Capitol Hill that could impact foundations, along with what is and is not on the radar screen of policymakers in Washington, D.C.

March 2016 |

Ann Saxton, Vice President | What happens when government and philanthropy intersect to create impact? I joined hundreds of executives from foundations and philanthropy networks around the country to explore this topic at the USC Center on Philanthropy & Public Policy’s 2016 National Leadership Forum, focused on Philanthropy & Government: Public Problem Solving at the Intersection. For two days, leaders shared lessons learned from efforts working across philanthropy, government and business, as well as strategies for building community capacity and increasing the impact of philanthropy.

March 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

Jeff Clarke, CEO | Poet William Blake wrote, "The true method of knowledge is experiment." Here at Philanthropy Northwest, we honor Blake and the countless others who have offered similar encouragement by taking initiative to conduct learning experiments. Our latest? The Catalyst Fellows, a place-based experiment in thought partnership and network learning. We’ve designed this program to begin and steward ongoing conversations about the important role that different types of capital, each integral to philanthropic strategy, play in creating and sustaining vibrant, equitable and inclusive communities. While there are many important forms of capital, we’ve chosen to begin this work by focusing on influence (advocacy), financial (impact investing) and natural (sustainability) capital.

March 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

Remy Trupin, Advocacy Catalyst Fellow | Election years are a tantalizing time, and with proper counsel and support, philanthropic organizations can be powerful advocates. When and how can your foundation speak out on a particular issue? Can foundations fund lobbying activities by grantees? Is it OK to provide candidates with talking points? What about funding voter guides and voter registration drives? Eager to learn more and share their experiences, Ballmer Group Philanthropy, Campion Foundation, Raikes Foundation and other funders recently participated in our Advocacy in an Election Year workshop.

January 20, 2016
1:00pm to 3:00pm

The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA) created many changes in the administration of donor advised and scholarship funds. It is essential that any community foundation involved in these activities have a thorough understanding of the Pension Protection Act and its implications for fund management. This webinar explains the ins and outs of what you need to know to stay compliant with the PPA.

January 2016 |

Jeff Clarke, CEO | Welcome to 2016! Philanthropy’s core DNA is love for humanity and community. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we celebrate a unique philanthropic culture marked by optimism, generosity, civic engagement and stewardship. It rests upon our nation’s unique commitment to philanthropic freedom and donor intent. But above all, our big, diverse place defines us, from Alaska’s North Slope to southern Oregon, and the Pacific coast to eastern Montana and Wyoming. In other words, as American farmer and writer Wendell Berry observed, “If you don’t know where you are, you don’t know who you are.” Looking ahead to what is sure to be a dynamic year, philanthropy, with its ability to gather people around the public good, is more important than ever.

January 2016 |

Happy New Year! As he puts the finishing touches on his reflections and preview of a dynamic year for our network, our CEO Jeff Clarke channels his inner Bill Gates and offers capsule reviews of three reads he loved last year — and his first recommendation of 2016.