Grantmaking Practices

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Grantmaking Practices

March 2017 | Philanthropy Northwest

For this sixth edition of "Trends in Northwest Giving," we are presenting this report in collaboration with Foundation Center, which collects grants data directly from organizations across the Northwest and nationwide. This partnership enables us to tell a story based on a larger pool of funders, in three parts: key findings, based on a snapshot of $1.8 billion granted to our region by more than 4,000 funders in 2014; trends over time, based on a subset of 1,387 funders that reported data for both 2012 and 2014; and state-by-state variations.

Image of Trends in NW Giving 2017 report cover with a boy and a woman working in a garden
November 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

U.S. foundations make significant investments in communities across Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming. This snapshot captures support from a sample of 512 foundations for a range of issues and focus areas in Philanthropy Northwest’s six-state region.

Image of a snowy mountain behind a clear blue lake with a person in a canoe on it
September 2015 |
Doug Stamm, Meyer Memorial Trust | September always brings change: weather shifts from hot to cool, busy autumn mornings replace leisurely summer afternoons, days grow incrementally shorter. Here at Meyer Memorial Trust, in a year filled with changes, the month offers a moment to reflect on where we have been and on where we are heading. Last year, Meyer awarded more grants than ever before — 515 grants and loans just over $46 million; we are again on track to make the largest payout in the foundation’s history. But we haven’t only been making grants this year. We began outreach in several of our four priority focus areas — housing, education, the environment, and supporting a vibrant nonprofit sector.
August 2015 |
At its August program meeting, Meyer Memorial Trust awarded 17 grants and two program-related investments (PRIs), totaling just over $3.2 million for organizations working across Oregon.
July 22, 2015
10:00am to 12:00pm
A local service organization would like you to collaborate on a much needed community project. A dedicated person wants to raise money to pay them to deliver services to seniors in your community. They want to set up a pass-through fund with your foundation to handle charitable contributions. We've all been there. When should you do this? What are the legal responsibilities for the community foundation? How do you hand the finances?
Philanthropy Northwest
July 15, 2015 to July 16, 2015
9:00am to 5:00pm
Essential Skills and Strategies is a comprehensive, two-day educational program to help familiarize new and up-and-coming grantmakers to the foundation world and the field of philanthropy. Developed by experts in the philanthropic sector, Essential Skills and Strategies is the field’s standardized orientation for grantmakers. The curriculum is designed to provide new grantmakers with the knowledge, insight, skills and tools to be effective in their work.
February 26, 2015
3:00pm to 4:00pm
During the 2015 fiscal year, the Social Innovation Fund will invest $51 million in organizations to grow community solutions. The Social Innovation Fund (SIF) combines public and private resources to grow the impact of innovative, community based solutions that have compelling evidence of improving the lives of people in low-income communities throughout the United States. The Corporation for National & Community Service is holding a SIF Office Hours/Q&A webinar. The call will be on Thursday February 26, from 3 – 4 p.m. ET.