Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

January 2015 |

Jeff Clarke, CEO | Happy New Year! A year ago, Carol Lewis and I identified philanthropic themes we thought would define our region in 2014. In revisiting those themes, thinking about the many conversations I had last year and looking to the year ahead, they continue to resonate strongly.

January 20, 2015
10:00am to 11:00am
Discover how mission investing is treated from a tax and accounting perspective.
January 8, 2015
9:00am to 10:30am
Join us for this exciting webinar to kick off NCFP’s most prominent research initiative ever: Trends in Family Philanthropy. This webinar will feature a sneak peek at the questions to be explored by the study, along with analysis and insights of three leading voices in the field – NCFP President Virginia Esposito and Senior Fellow Alice Buhl, and the Urban Institute’s Elizabeth Boris, the lead researcher for the study.
January 2015 |
2014 was a big year in Northwest philanthropy. As we reflected back on the year gone by, we put together this brief interactive presentation that shares some of the year's highlights in Northwest philanthropy. Fittingly, this presentation is about you, the work you're doing and the impact you're having in the world.
December 2014 | The Giving Practice

by Audrey Haberman, managing partner, The Giving Practice | We begin every project with a sense of excitement and optimism. So when my colleague Mark Sedway suggested we try a premortem exercise as part of our initial meeting with a new client, I was nervous.

December 11, 2014
11:30am to 1:00pm
Join us for this year-end refresher on some of the most common dilemmas in family foundation governance and management, featuring nationally recognized legal advisor Andrew Schulz of Arabella Advisors. Andrew will answer these questions and many more and the call will feature double bonus Q & A time to ensure that all of your questions are answered!
December 10, 2014
10:00am PST
The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers is pleased to co-sponsor a new webinar series in partnership with the D5 Coalition, a five-year effort to advance philanthropy’s diversity, equity and inclusiveness. In this session: Who works in philanthropy? Where do philanthropic dollars go? In our era of big data and in a field that recognizes the importance of data, why has the collection and sharing of demographic data been so elusive? Learn how regional associations and their members are using data conversations and tools to spark efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in philanthropy, and to strengthen their grantmaking and impacts in communities.