Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

March 2019 | The Giving Practice

Learn a set of strategies and approaches that invite you to show up as an adventurer in working better together. This guide provides ten doorways to begin the adventure.  

February 2019 | The Giving Practice

Looking for a more participatory way to get advice on dilemmas at work? This practice takes conversations around the “water cooler” to their next level. Read about a technique for getting and sharing advice that can be a game changer for everyone involved.

Thumbnail of cover, titled PRP Brief: Enlist Peers
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

What happens when you reach an impasse in dialogues? Sometimes words are an "aide-de-camp" to sustain attention to what’s hard to talk about with others. Read about the use of images, metaphors, stories and poems in philanthropy.


Let the Right Brain In
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

How do you process your internal reactions and signals before you jump to help others? Learn techniques from philanthropy practitioners that have helped create an environment for learning on both individual and systems levels.

Thumbnail image of cover entitled Practice Presence
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

What roles are most important to your work? How do you construct them and bring your unique talents to the role? How do you manage your personal challenges in the role? Borrow a few techniques from fellow practitioners described in this brief.

Thumbnail of guide cover entitled Discover Your Role
February 2019 | The Giving Practice

What’s your hardy perennial dilemma at work? Read why practitioners value reflective practices for navigating their dilemmas. Review the case for making reflective practice a required discipline in philanthropy.

Thumbnail of guide cover entitled Reflective Practices: Why It Matters
January 31, 2019
11:30am to 3:00pm
Online and in Seattle, WA

The Northwest Children's Foundation (NWCF) presents their 2019 Forum entitled, Community Trauma and Child Well-Being: Trauma-Informed Care and the Future of Healing. This community event features a keynote by Dr. Shawn Ginwright, Professor of Education in the Africana Studies Department at San Francisco State University, with opening remarks by Seattle pediatrician and community leader Dr. Benjamin Danielson.