Leadership & Governance

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Leadership & Governance

August 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

When Philanthropy Northwest and the Kettering Foundation published the first edition of Philanthropy and the Renewal of Democracy: Is It Time to Step Up Our Game?, the wounds and diseases afflicting our body politic were already causing concern among rising numbers of citizens, including philanthropists. Two years later, as we lurched through one of the strangest election seasons in modern American history and demand for this publication grew, our question became even more urgent. As Daniel Kemmis points out, the relationship between philanthropy and democracy is a matter of both social compact and law. Given the state of our democratic institutions, it’s become crucial to think about philanthropic activity’s place within our political framework. It is clearly time to step up our game — but in what way and how to do so without abusing our power and privilege? Philanthropy has an opportunity to choose a more constructive and optimistic path.

August 2016 |

The Minnesota-based Northwest Area Foundation approved 27 grants worth $5.3 million in the second quarter of 2016, focused on advancing good jobs and financial capability by funding grantees whose work creates enterprise development, access to capital, workforce opportunity, and financial inclusion for low-income communities, with a special focus on those that are Native, communities of color or immigrant. In the Northwest, these grants included more than $1 million for programs in Montana, Oregon and Washington.

July 28, 2016
11:00am to 12:30pm

In partnership with funder affinity groups from around the country, The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers is hosting a teleconference for funders focusing on the impact of the Orlando massacre on communities in central Florida and how funders can respond to the needs of those most impacted by this tragedy. This second call will  help funders understand how they can support efforts led by local LGBTQ and Latino communities in the wake of the tragedy. 

July 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

Nationally and regionally, our communities are dealing with the grief, frustration and anger that results from the persistence of fear, injustice and inequity. We know these issues are complicated. We also know philanthropy has an important role to play in the creation of policies and solutions to address these challenges. Many of us have been having conversations with family, friends and colleagues about the community crises we face, but we are also hearing a strong desire from you for a place to talk more formally with others in our field. While the concepts of democracy and equity have always been part of our annual conference planning, we are now focused on creating and holding space for us to step forward together through those lenses, Under One Sky in Missoula, Montana this fall. As your learning network, we are more committed than ever to addressing the real experiences of people in our communities. We hope you will join us on this journey as we continue to create opportunities to think collectively about supporting and investing in strategies to achieve our shared vision: Northwest communities have vibrant, healthy futures the honor our past, our people and our cultures.  

June 2016 | Philanthropy Northwest

Our board and staff spend a lot of time thinking about ways we can enhance the value of our network. How is philanthropy evolving, and how do we support our members and partners as we navigate this changing landscape? Our hope is that by providing the connections, conversations, tools and spaces to explore the adaptive leadership challenges, we each become better equipped and more effective allies for our communities.

May 2016 |

The fundraising platform that crashed on May 3, crippling a 24-hour online giving extravaganza for thousands of nonprofits participating in Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG, Montana Community Foundation's MTGives and 50 similar campaigns nationwide, has issued "a multi-phase plan" to make things right. Given Kimbia's latest announcement, the extended hours and employer matching funds to process, we may not know the final numbers from the giving day campaigns until June. Here are the preliminary totals, as reported on the campaign websites:

April 2016 |

Ten months after launching a coalition pledging to train and hire 100,000 American youths who face systemic barriers to jobs and education, Starbucks, Alaska Airlines, Microsoft and other major companies will hold interviews at Seattle's CenturyLink Field on May 5.